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1. Information
on how to enter and prizes forms part of these conditions of entry.2.
Entry is open to all residents of Australia who subscribe or renew
their subscription to APC magazine between 18/06/03 and 22/07/03.
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Promotional period commences 18/06/03 and closes 23:59 EST on 22/07/03.
The draw will take place at 11 am at APC, Level 9, Stockland House,
175-183 Castlereagh Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 on 25/07/03. The Winner
will be notified by mail and their name will be published in the
Public Notices section of The Australian on 31/07/03. Judges' decision
is final and no correspondence will be entered into.4.
The first valid entry drawn will win a Fujitsu Stylistic ST4110
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